10 Quick Snack Ideas for Late-Night Studying in a Hostel?

10 Quick Snack Ideas for Late-Night Studying in a Hostel?

Hostel life is an integral part of life, making you more dependent on your instincts and skills than anyone else. That portion of life changes a student drastically and shapes their career to great heights. 
It’s observed that students tend to have a habit of late-night studying, whether at home or at a hostel which feels like home. It is essential to stay energised and healthy when living alone so that one doesn’t feel sick and disrupt their academic routine. To make sure that doesn’t happen, here are some instant snack ideas for late-night studying and indulging in a quick cook session:
– Cup noodles
Requirements: A cup of hot water
An instant solution to your noodle craving during late-night studying. All you need to do is add some hot water to the cup noodles package and leave it closed for 2-4 mins. A delicacy in minutes!
– Cheese Sandwich
Requirements: Bread, veggies (optional), cheese slice
Nothing beats a craving as good as a snack with cheese in it! Just get yourself two slices of bread, put a cheese slice on either side and add some slices of tomatoes, onions or potatoes. Voila, your sandwich is ready to feast upon!
Peanut butter sandwich
Requirements: Peanut butter and bread
Peanut butter is considered healthy butter and helps in depleting calories. A peanut butter sandwich is a good substitute for those who hit the gym regularly and are health conscious. All you need is a knife to apply the peanut butter between two slices of bread, and your snack is ready – instantly!
– Sprouts to sprout
Requirements: Sprouts, salt & pepper
A bowl is a protein to keep your system clean and healthy! Sprouts have a lot of energy and minerals essential for one’s body. All you need to do is soak them in water in the morning, drain them and leave them aside. By nighttime, they might have sprouted, which could become a great late-night snack with some salt and pepper!
– Ezzy Bhel Chaat
Requirements: “Sev mamra”, onions & tomatoes
Craving something “chatpata” late at night? Worry not. To satisfy your hunger and bring your focus back to your studying, an easy peasy snack – Bhel, is an excellent option. All you need to do is dice some onions and tomatoes and mix them with packets of Sev Mamra. Adding some coriander for flavour works too!
– Jam-Gold Sandwich
Requirements: Jam, bread and Marie-gold
Innovating with food is something every person does when they’re home, but during nighttime, one needs something tasty, satisfying and easy to make. Well, a Jam-Gold sandwich is one of them. All you need is Jam, a knife (to spread the jam on bread), bread and some Marie-Gold biscuit. Place the biscuits inside the Jam-bread slide, and you’ll have a biscuit sandwich for munching late at night while studying!
– Healthy salad
Requirements: Tomatoes, onions, cabbage, coriander, salt and pepper
Who says late-night eating is unhealthy? We think it’s decided by what you eat! Let’s say it’s a bowl of Salad. Veggies diced/sliced as per your choice with some salt and pepper is a great way to maintain your health and satisfy the hunger crunch!
– Fruit chaat
Requirements: Apple, Pear, pomegranate, pineapple and honey
Late-night studying can make a person feel a bit doozy. They require something to eat which is tasty, healthy and refreshing at the same time. And what’s more refreshing than a bowl of juicy fruits with a hint of honey for a sweet aftertaste? We think nothing!
– Cucumber cool sandwich
Requirements: Bread, butter, cucumber and chaat masala
Stay calm and relaxed because cucumber sandwiches are here to stop your drool! All you have to do is slice cucumbers, put them in between the bread butter slices, and add some chaat masala, and there you go, a fantastic, chilling sandwich to calm your stomach and brain.
– Peanut bhel
Requirements: Peanuts, onions and tomatoes
A staple snack which is loved by almost everyone during group studying or movie binging. All you require is peanuts, diced tomatoes and onions, and mix them. That’s it; your bhel is ready in seconds!
Besides mess facilities, if you’re a student residing in Good Host Spaces’ hostels, you might find vending machines for students who stay awake late at night to study, watch a group movie, and chill. Good Host Spaces try to ensure that every requirement of students is fulfilled and they aren’t facing any adversities that might affect their academic activities. 
So whenever you are in the mood to snack, it’s either the vending machines or you have ten options to choose from now.
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