Planning to move to a hostel in India

Planning to move to a hostel in India? Here are the things that students should keep in mind.

The hostel is an integral part of a student’s life in which they taste life from a completely different perspective. They learn they grow, and they step out of their comfort zone to try new things, meet new people and make new friends. 
Knowing all of these, stepping out of their home and leaving their parents in search of growth can be mind-bending, uneasy, and scary! So here are some tips that one can keep in mind before starting your journey of a Hostel life!
  • It’s not a Hotel !
A hostel is not a hotel, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be treated as a customer for your requirements. Instead, it’ll be you your own, who has to figure out your daily tasks and schedule a routine not to let your physical and mental health disrupt.
  • Carry Toiletries
Do not forget to carry your essentials such as mouthwash, soap, face wash, shampoo, toothpaste, and any necessities concerned with your hygiene until you find a nearby location to acquire/purchase them.
  • Know whom to befriend
You won’t be living with your parents, as safe as it was with them, in a hostel you would be an independent person who has to choose your circle of friends wisely. Surrounding yourself with the right people helps you lead towards the right path.
  • Wardrobe tips
Do not carry unnecessary apparel. Carry only the ones that you might require there along with the necessities i.e., inners (bottoms and top), nightwear, shorts/leggings, sliders/slippers, shoes, and accessories like watch, wallet/purse.
  • Almost everything is shared.
In a hostel where you won’t even have a whole room for yourself, so make peace with the thought that none of your things belong entirely to you! Everything is shared in a hostel. So, if you’re not okay with sharing your stuff, either owns up to it and learn to say NO or adapt to the sharing culture!
Apart from these tips, ensure the hostel where you are staying has proper hygiene, infrastructure, and security. Suitable Host Spaces is one of such student residencies which provides in-campus hostel facilities in most of the renowned universities of India. It provides dorms that are centrally air-conditioned to nutritional “Mess ka Khana” which makes you feel at home, along with various amenities like a swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, multipurpose ground, gymnasium, and shopping areas. Hostels that are away from home but make you feel at home – that’s the kind of hostels Good Host Spaces(GHS) provides, and that’s the kind of hostels one should accommodate in!
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