It’s hard to leave home! It’s not easy to stay alone! And it’s natural to miss your loved ones, but the path of growing up by leaving home and living independently teaches you the essence of life! Living independently at GHS hostels, will give you a feeling of Home, Away from Home – here one will explore numerous cultures and make new friends which might turn into family.
So if you ever feel homesick, just remember it’s a phase and here are some handy tips that will help you get past it 一
Eye on the Purpose Achieving something extraordinary requires treading new territories, and that is why you’re here. When at the end of your course you’ve found your purpose and accomplished your goals to see the pride in your parents eyes, you will know it was all worth it – with all the memories that you will cherish for life.
Making new Friends It may seem a little intimidating to make new bonds and find new friendships amongst all these unknown faces, but with just a little bit of patience and socializing around things that interest you, in no time you’d have made friends for life. They’ll be your home away from home. Your new family!
Upgrade into your best version College is the best place to discover yourself! The activities you enjoy, the hobbies you love indulging in. And colleges, with their societies and circles, give you the best platform to explore! These will be the activities that contribute the most to your Character Development. And even if they are just simple activities like taking a walk with your friends or sharing tea every evening – you’ll form a routine that’s finally your comfort space!
Endorphins to the Rescue It may sound like an additional activity to do when you’re already feeling homesick, but working out generates endorphins and takes your mind off negative thoughts and anxiousness in a new environment.
Journal your way to a Healthy Lifestyle Sometimes there are things you just want to keep to yourself but also need to let them out! That’s when Journaling will become your best friend – It helps you stay light. There are no judgements and no fear of saying the right or the wrong thing. You can completely be yourself.
Just pick up the phone! We sometimes underestimate what a quick call could do! Parents, siblings, old friends, favorite cousins – anybody you loved spending time with, just pick up the phone and give them a call. You’d be surprised at how your day has suddenly turned around – it’s happier, you’re suddenly more confident knowing there’s an army of people rooting for you!
So don’t feel low or gloom because this phase of life is going to help you bloom!